This year family camp was a bit different than usual. Normally, Thursday is the day that we have the whole afternoon to spend as a family playing games together or just Mike and I sitting around talking and watching the kids play on the playground or in the sand. Well.......this year it was ME watching them or playing with them. My poor hubby got a very horrible flu on Thursday morning and was miserably sick ALL DAY LONG. I felt sooo bad for him. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the day spending with the kids, we still had a great time, I just missed my other half being able to spend that time with us. Family Camp was still really great. Great food, great fellowship, great weather this year (last year it rained almost the whole time), great family (or mommy with kids) time, and of course great preaching (although right now with a little one I don't always get to stay in for all of the preaching). We are already looking forward to next year!

Nathaniel enjoying his first year of family camp by playing in the large sand box.
Austin showing dad how he could fly,uh... or maybe its how he can jump out of the swing.
Emily can do the monkey bars now and she is soooo thrilled, she will do them wherever we go,family camp, park, until she has blisters. Her nickname has always been "Monkey Moo" kind of funny that she acts like a monkey now.
GRANDPA-the best BBQ chef in the world!
Joshie, his little friend Micaiaz, and his cousin Timothy having a lot of fun at family camp.
Around the campfire after the evening service, one of the highlights of family camp. We sing songs, have testimonies both nights. Roasted marshmellows the first night and smores on the second night. So much fun!
Playing with friends and finding treasures.
Elizabeth-on a mission, there is always something fun to do at family camp.
Nathaniels favorite thing at family camp (besides the sandbox) was meal time. This boy LOVES to eat!
Bananas are his all-time favorite, unless there is something sweet around.
Family picture time before we leave on Saturday.
Our crazy boys!
Our sweet girls!
The whole family (dad is feeling a little bit better on the last day). I am so glad that our church has family camp. The kids love to go and I am just not ready to take the whole family camping for real, like by ourselves in a campground, fixing the meals and all that, one day, but not right now. This is just a couple of days that we can get away from the cares of this world and spend time focusing on family and on God, it is just the BEST! I love my family!