Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, today was quite eventful.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for this school year and we were at the church getting things ready when there was a horrible scream and crying from our son Austin, you know the kind that makes your heart jump into your throat and your feet can't take you fast enough to reach them to see what happened.  He had been swinging really high and decided to try to do a backflip off and landed on his arm.  He broke the upper part of his humerus bone.  He has to go see a specialist to see what all needs to be done for it to heal properly.  He was in so much pain it made me so sad, but he is doing better now and we pray that he heals quickly.  To end the night, we were given a purebred golden retriever puppy.  He is 4 months old and his name is "Buddy".  He already really likes the kids and has won the hearts of our whole family.  What a day!  Tomorrow shall be very exciting to as our little Megan goes to her very first day of school.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friend Day at the Farrell House

Mike was out of town for some school training, so I told the kids that they could have a friend over.  You may say, why didn't you let a couple each day have someone over so there aren't so many kids."  I thought of that and decided, if they each have a friend over on the same day then they won't be bugging the person who has a friend over and making them upset.  It WORKED!!!!  I had 11 kids at my house that day and it was soooo nice.  The kids each played with their friend and there was no arguing or fighting.  They played in their rooms, played games, played the Wii, went outside, and had lunch.  It was a great day!  I am putting a picture of each of the kids and their friend.
Megan and her friend Kayla
Austin and his friend Noah
Emily and her friend Sarai
Elizabeth and her friend Xochilt
Joshie and his friend/cousin Timothy
 I added a couple of extra pictures because it was also the day of Nathans birthday and the picture of him was just too cute to pass up and then after all the kids had gone, the older three went out front to ride their bikes and a boy down the street let them ride his mini go-kart without them asking me first.  Emily took a spill and got her hand caught under the tire and got 3rd degree burns on the inside of her wrist.  Quite an eventful day and Mike was  out of town.  Isnt' that the way it always is?  That emergencies happen when the husband is gone.  Praise the Lord I didn't have to take her to the ER.  She could have gotten hurt much worse.  God was looking out for her.  She said. "I didn't know that you had to slow down to turn."  Oh help, I hope that she learns that before she starts to drive a car. :) 
Nathan is 1
Her arm and the other side of her hand was really bruised too.  Yucky!

4th of July Celebration

Over the weekend we had lots of BBQ, fireworks, ice cream and fun.  Love to spend time with family, especially as we celebrate the freedoms that we have.
Nathan was not sure what to think about the fireworks.
Watching fireworks with Mike's parents and sister.
I love this one of Megan just enjoying her sparkler.
Ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa Benefield's for a BBQ and a brownie sundae.
The kids enjoyed riding their bikes over to Grandpa and Grandma's house for the 4th celebration.

Misc. pictures of the summer

There are just too many pictures and things that go on to put everything on here, but here are some of my favorite pictures of some misc. events throughout the summer.
family game time
just playing outside
going for a bike ride/walk
Nathan's 1st birthday
Nathan just being so cute
water fun
Emily enjoying the water at the bottom of the slide
This picture of Megan just cracks me up, she looks so funny.
Elizabeth helping Nathan to get used to the water.
 Joshie may look tough here, but don't let looks fool you,  he was too scared to go down by himself.