Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, today was quite eventful.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for this school year and we were at the church getting things ready when there was a horrible scream and crying from our son Austin, you know the kind that makes your heart jump into your throat and your feet can't take you fast enough to reach them to see what happened.  He had been swinging really high and decided to try to do a backflip off and landed on his arm.  He broke the upper part of his humerus bone.  He has to go see a specialist to see what all needs to be done for it to heal properly.  He was in so much pain it made me so sad, but he is doing better now and we pray that he heals quickly.  To end the night, we were given a purebred golden retriever puppy.  He is 4 months old and his name is "Buddy".  He already really likes the kids and has won the hearts of our whole family.  What a day!  Tomorrow shall be very exciting to as our little Megan goes to her very first day of school.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about Austin's arm. I cringed just hearing the story. Nothing worse than one of your children getting hurt. Hang in there, Austin! You're not left-handed are you?

    Pretty cool dog!

    And congrats to Megan for starting school!
